A good person will always be in MEMORY,
A better person will always be in DREAMs,
But the best person will always be in HEART.
A better person will always be in DREAMs,
But the best person will always be in HEART.
Life is not always seem as we want it to be. As we plan for something, in the middle it turn out to be the other way. How can we expect from this life? No, nothing. What we can all do is keep trying and keep on moving. As one says, sometimes life is like a dark tunnel, you can't always see the light at the end of the tunnel but if you just keep moving, you will come to a better place which is more bright.
You may feel split about what you should be doing and what you want to do, thus you can ask someone to contribute to your end goal, allowing you to enjoy both accomplishment and celebration. What is important don't stop believing in yourself and what you can do. Success will be yours if you never quit and always want to achieve it by your own way.
There are so many things we want to achieve in our life. Job, branded items, accessories, house, honest friends, good food and also love. All those you want to get are not just by waiting or watching. Put some efforts and never give up to try. This is like when you like a girl, and u really want to know her and if you could you want to marry her. To get to know a girl you like so much then you much keep trying to get close to her, of course in a good way. Day after day, you would build a good and serious relationship with her and if the two of you can manage all the conflicts together and understanding each other, a marriage is not impossible to happen.
The future may be dependent on how others perceive you and what you do. Give your all and don't be afraid to ask for advice along the way. Just take the plunge and follow your dreams, desires, hopes and wishes. If you push your ideas and present what you have to offer with a little flair, you will attract the kind of attention required to reach you goals.